Scarface 62601 on sale from AllEquipped Store

Primos 62601 Scarface

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Primos 62601 Scarface




Primos 62601 Scarface

Scarface 62601 from AllEquipped Primos Deer -

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Primos 62601 Scarface

When decoying deer movement of your decoy is the key success. All hunters know that if they could get their decoy to move it would be more realistic and put approaching deer at ease. With the SCARFACE deer decoy the slightest breeze will move the head and tail naturally. Once a buck sees SCARFACE in his area he will come in to investigate the intruder. Be Ready! All of SCARFACE's components: head ears antlers and legs fit inside the soft body cavity. This makes him easy to carry and cuts down on unwanted noise in the field.

Tips for use: Set up SCARFACE where he can be seen from a distance. Setting the decoy in the open in range of your blind or stand will bring more deer by your set up. Handle your decoy with care. Be careful not to leave scent on your decoy. Store SCARFACE in an area where he will not pickup scent. Use rubber gloves when handling and spray him down with Primos Silver XP Scent Eliminating Spray after you have him set up. Experiment with different scents and lures to bring deer closer to SCARFACE. Scent can be applied to the tail. Call and rattle to get deer to respond to SCARFACE. }

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Primos 62601 Scarface

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    Primos 62601 Scarface

    Primos 62601 Scarface

    Scarface 62601 from AllEquipped Primos Deer -
